21 March 2009

Plasma TV Vs LCD, The Consumer Choice

The plasma TV has been with us for some time now and is preferred by many homeowners. However with industry experts surmising that LCD televisions will be more widespread in the future due to energy efficiency problems with plasma TVs, the time has come for consumers to decide which option to take. Plasma or LCD TV, which is the better choice?

Plasma and LCD TV models look almost identical, both are flat, elegant and typically both offer a stunningly sharp and clear picture. There are however fundamental differences between the two technologies. In terms of the improvements from the older, CRT televisions both plasma and LCD models are clearer, they have a style about them that fits into modern living, most have a wide viewing angle and as they are wall mountable they are a brilliant space saving option. Additionally as both varieties are widescreen, they allow the viewer to watch movies how they were supposed to be seen, in the perfect aspect ratio.

The LCD TV works using a liquid crystal display. This put simply is hundreds of thousands of tiny pixels that each change colour and shade to create an overall image. Behind is a backlight that gives the image its brightness and as electronic current is passed through the device, the pixels change rapidly to formulate moving images.

The plasma TV on the other hand is constructed of two sheets of glass, with the gap filled with xenon or neon gas. Behind this screen sits phosphors for each primary colour, as electricity hits xenon it produces UV light that in turn hits the phosphors so they change colour rapidly and hence create an image. This process is far more wasteful than LCD and hence uses more power.

Naturally each type of TV has various benefits and disadvantages, the following will put forward a seven step process to assessing the differences between plasma and LCD.

The first category is size and weight. Typically plasma televisions are available in larger screen sizes, in fact up to around 71 inches, they are however normally heavier than LCD models. In comparison LCD devices are normally smaller, around a 42 inch maximum although this likely to increase in the future.

In terms of picture quality there is not much to split the two; however LCD screens normally have a higher resolution in smaller sizes. One problem that occurs with plasma TV models is image burn. This means that after a long period the screen shows a residual image, typically a network logo. This does not happen with LCD screens.

Viewing angle is generally better with plasma although with the more recent LCD models this is less of an issue, both have a viewing angle of around 160 degrees. Brightness is generally better with plasma TVs although on the other hand LCD screens have less glare and are hence better for bright rooms and environments.

Both TVs have a lifespan of around sixty thousand hours meaning that if the television was left on continuously it would work for almost seven years. Energy efficiency can be a problem with some plasma models and has become a major issue in recent months with technology companies focussing on efficiency as eco laws start to take effect.

Hopefully this article has highlighted the common differences between the plasma and LCD TV. Seemingly the growing trend is for LCD models due to energy efficiency issues; ultimately the choice comes down to personal preference.

8 March 2009

What Is Game Server Web Hosting?

Currently, game server web hosting is one of the fastest growing segments in the entire web hosting industry. Many businesses have developed specifically to offer online gaming of all kinds and they all require the special services of game server web hosting providers.

Unlike traditional business hosting, game hosting is far more demanding. It requires significant amounts of specially formatted server space to meet the demands of many players choosing one game at a single time. There are literally millions of consumers around the world who opt to play games online, which all translates to a need for reliably organized and dedicated service.

Heavy traffic is not the only issue that should be addressed when looking for a game server web hosting service however. Easy to use control panels which can help the site owner automate and organize many processes is also something that should be considered an absolute "must". This is because the online gaming environment requires a lot of customer support and service, and also many applications and software updates and fixes which can only be managed with a good control panel feature.

Additionally, the amount of space required to handle the needs of the gaming software may limit the number of games available and the gamer server web hosting company selected. The games are each assigned a special "node" on the hosting equipment and each node has a limited number of "slots", which translate to the total number of players who can access the game at any given time.

The best contemporary game server web hosting companies make about ten to fifteen nodes available on each server - which is a good illustration of the kind of space the games and functions require. This also introduces the need for reporting features that quickly let the website owner know which of their games is receiving the most attention or usage. Such information is critical in expanding offerings or eliminating a game that may be taking up to fifteen percent of a company's server space.

Many online gamers also like to discuss the games they are playing and to socialize with fellow gamers, because of this it is important to see if the game server web hosting company provides applications such as chatting or forums which will add to the enjoyment of the customers.

Finally, though the game server web hosting sites are relatively new, they still require as much security and updating as traditional server equipment. Because of this it is important to scrutinize each company before making a final choice.

4 March 2009

Tips To Make Money Day Trading Right

"Use These Insider Tips To Make Money Day Trading Right From Your Computer"

Day trading is a great way to earn quick returns, but it's not a given that you'll earn tons and tons of money. Contrary to what many people think, you will need to be knowledgeable in day trading techniques if you want to achieve success. Don't let this deter you though - with the excellent profit potential of day trading, it's well worth your time to learn the skills that can help you be successful.

Before we get started in providing some specific tips to be successful, it's important to understand exactly what day trading is. First, it takes its name from the process of buying selling financial instruments like stocks and bonds regularly throughout the day. Other types of investments might only rarely see trades, say weekly, monthly, or even annually. But with day trading, the action is constant. Buy and selling can take place anytime from the start of the opening bell to the close of the financial markets on any given day. Because day trading proceeds at such a frantic pace, there are some tips that any successful day trader should employ.

First, realize that your attitude is half the battle. Because day trading can get a bit hectic, it's important that you possess a bit of internal zen. If your emotions run amuck, you won't be able to make good judgments. And making quick, accurate, well-reasoned decisions is one of the most important skills for making money. Realize that you'll probably have big wins - and big losses - from time to time, but that's part of the nature of day trading. The ability to stay calm and focused in the midst of this type of volatility is vital.

Also, you'll need to have a good grasp of quantitative analysis. Now, this doesn't mean you have to be the next Pythagoras or Einstein. If you weren't good at geometry or physics, you can still be good at day trading. But you'll need to learn what it takes to analyze financial data at a glance, and make wise decisions based on a quick assessment.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you should not treat day trading like a game of chance. Sure, there is some element of chance, since you don't know exactly how a certain stock will rise or fall during the day. But as you gain more day trading experience, you should be able to piece together a good plan for how the day will pan out. If you treat day trading like gamblers treat a poker game, you might get so drunk with the thrill of the chase that you won't be able to make sound judgments. The ability to buy and sell at the right time is critically important in determining day trading success.

The good news is that there is incredible profit potential in day trading. In addition to the skills mentioned above, you'll need good time management skills, patience, and an eye for detail. If you're willing to do a bit of research, improve your quantitative analysis skills, and prepare yourself ahead of time before the opening bell rings - you can supplement your income or even earn a very good living with day trading.

Online payment gateways

An online payment gateway links a commercial/transactional portal or website and -normally- a bank. This process starts when the cardholder enter his/hers details after having performed a purchase on the website. the information is then encrypted at the cardholder's web browser side and securely sent to the merchant website. At this stage the encrypted information is forwarded from the merchant server to the payment gateway on a secure socket layer encryption, which connects the processor used by the merchant's acquiring back. The processor forwards the transaction information to the credit card interchange, which then routes it to the issuing bank.

The reverse process happens within seconds as well, and along with the issuing bank's response some other details, such as: a notification code, the transaction status and the reasons why the transaction could not take effect -if any, are sent to the cardholder. In other words, this information passes by the credit card interchange, the acquirer processor, the payment gateway, the merchant's website and finally reaches the cardholder.

Apart from the above steps, the rest of the transaction happens in a different time frame, and it implies the delivery of the product and the money transfer from the acquiring bank to the merchant's nominated account.

Amongst other options merchants can take advantage of out of online payment getway one can list: authorize transactions, make refunds and capture payments by accessing the real time reports and tools set up for these purposes. In some occasions, online payment gateways also allow merchants to easily work with different currencies and card types.

First Atlantic Commerce is headquartered in Bermuda, and established in 1998 to create secure card-based payment solutions for e-businesses, FAC provides powerful technology designed to work with most merchant platforms. Business solutions such as 3-D Secure Payer Authentication, IP Geolocation, Virtual Corporations and the online payment gateway are available in various international jurisdictions.

On-line payment gateways

An online payment gateway links a commercial/transactional portal or website and -normally- a bank. This process starts when the cardholder enter his/hers details after having performed a purchase on the website. The information is then encrypted at the cardholder's web browser side and securely sent to the merchant website. At this stage the encrypted information is forwarded from the merchant server to the payment gateway on a secure socket layer encryption, which connects the processor used by the merchant's acquiring back. The processor forwards the transaction information to the credit card interchange, which then routes it to the issuing bank.

The reverse process happens within seconds as well, and along with the issuing bank's response some other details, such as: a notification code, the transaction status and the reasons why the transaction could not take effect -if any, are sent to the cardholder. In other words, this information passes by the credit card interchange, the acquirer processor, the payment gateway, the merchant's website and finally reaches the cardholder.

Apart from the above steps, the rest of the transaction happens in a different time frame, and it implies the delivery of the product and the money transfers from the acquiring bank to the merchant's nominated account.

Amongst other options merchants can take advantage of out of online payment getway one can list: authorize transactions, make refunds and capture payments by accessing the real time reports and tools set up for these purposes. In some occasions, online payment gateways also allow merchants to easily work with different currencies and card types.

First Atlantic Commerce is headquartered in Bermuda, and established in 1998 to create secure card-based payment solutions for e-businesses, FAC provides powerful technology designed to work with most merchant platforms. Business solutions such as 3-D Secure Payer Authentication, IP Geolocation, Virtual Corporations and the online payment gateway are available in various international jurisdictions.

A Guide To Promoting Your Gardening Website

Are you thinking of promoting your gardening website online? This could actually pose a little bit of a problem to you. Let's face it. On the internet, searching for gardening websites could yield hundreds, or even thousands of results in just one click. Therefore, the possibility of people visiting your website is one in a thousand. Here are six techniques on how to promote your gardening website.

1. Free directories

One very effective tip on how to promote your gardening website is to get listed on free directories online. Visit http://www.dmoz.com. There are a couple of websites that copy their directory. If you have your site listed, you can get yourself linked on to a lot more websites online.

2. Competitor's popularity

You always need to check your competitor's popularity. You need to know where you stand in the market. Having a new gardening website does not have to mean lower online visits or hits than other gardening websites around. It is just a matter of knowing your competitors by simply searching them out on Google. Also try checking http://www.linkpopularity.com. This website can help you determine how popular your website is compared to others. Aside from that, it can also help you get hooked up on many different sites you can find.

3. Quality and Reliable Links

One-tenth of your visitors may have possibly found your gardening website out through the use of seacr enggin. The key here is to find quality links. You could opt for websites with a great number of customers. You could ace your gardening website promotion in no time at all. Related gardening websites could be best for you for a better rank in search engines for the reason that you have a targeted audience.

4. Competitors Visitors

Obviously, this is a very big factor in promoting your gardening website. In http://www.alexa.com, you may see a lot of information regarding your competitors' websites specifically their visitors and where they live, how many times they visit and the other gardening websites they go to.

5. Signature

Why not get your own signature for your email? Most people often ignore this idea. But if users come across your signature file, it could boost your "visit" or "hit probability". It can also show users that you are a website owner who is serious in publishing your site.

Strategy is the key in promoting your gardening website. Do not be content on being just one of those gardening websites scattered around. You can always strive to be one of the most visited sites on the internet.

Free Traffic

You've put the time in, or the money, or often both, you've got your product or service to sell, you've got the website, you've organised a payment merchant for taking orders online, you've even organised your delivery whether offline or online. What do you need now? In a nutshell: you need traffic, as much as you can get of quality targeted traffic.

Quite simply without traffic your business is dead in the water. And the best website traffic in the world is targeted customers who want to buy from you. If you're just starting out do not use Pay Per Click paid advertising such as Google Adwords. You are almost an odds on certainty to lose money. I know because I've done it. Some marketers insist it is the way to get fast instant results. Yes, it is but it's also a way to kill your business dead before you even begin. Let's be honest: most of us starting out have nothing or nearly next to nothing. What you need is advice on how to get bundles and bundles of FREE targeted traffic to your site.

If hard work is not your thing then don't read any further. Never ever forget that the lifeblood of your online business is traffic. And to get traffic you need to be constantly marketing your business. Set aside time to slowly build your business. Work through the list I provide. What I've set out is a staged programme to help you drive traffic to your site. Yes, it involves work and yes, your results won't be immediate BUT you will be building a business that will grow and grow and grow. And best of all it will be FREE and won't be subject to the whims of Google as long as you do it properly.

Explore the Earth From Homes

What the!!?? Google Earth? Has a company taken over our world? No, just mapped it out for you to look at.

I was over at a friend's house the other day and on his computer he showed me his own house as viewed by a satellite in Earth's orbit. It was awesome. The screen started out looking at our great blue planet, then he typed in his house's address (he had programmed it in, as only the USA, UK, and Canada have the ability to find an address automatically so far) and the planet turned to our country. Then it zoomed in further and further until we could see the roof of his house! My genetic father (mother has been married thrice) lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, so I typed in his address, the world shifted around, zoomed in, and all of a sudden I could see the roof of his house, the swimming pool in the backyard, driveway and street, trees etc. It was a real mind-blower. One of the best things about www.google.earth.com is that we can now look at real photographs of any part of the world: pyramids in Egypt, Shanghai city, beaches in Jamaica, you can go and look at any place on the globe. All you need to do is point and click your computer's mouse on any spot (address unnecessary), and it's free.

I eventually found my own house (it will be much easier when the whole world has been mapped by street names on the free downloadable version) and I think that the 20$ version has a GPS (Global positioning system) which must make finding things a lot easier. You can also get directions to local areas such as restaurants, parks, hospitals, schools and hotels. The idea is to combine Google's search abilities with imagery and mapping and I think it has great ramifications for the future of location information. You can then save and share your location searches with your friends and colleagues as well as adding your own data, as in my friend's case. Google Earth's users have already saved thousands of personal data points for you to look at and add to: EG: Show people where your business is located.

Another neat aspect of the technology is that you can tilt and rotate the satellite's view to give you a more 3-D perspective on buildings, mountains and landmarks on the terrain. Many people have asked me if the photos are real time and if you run out front of your house will you see yourself? We would need a lot of satellites out in orbit if we hoped to have this kind of 'Big Brother' capability and I'm sure ethical questions would also be raised.

If you are looking for directions the program will actually drive or fly you on the best route to get where you are going. The website has photos of ten of the most popular 'destinations' so you can check out the quality of the high-resolution photos. With the 'Measure' tool you can see how far it is to the local airport or from Paris to London. With the 'Pro' version at $200 (there are three versions) you can also measure area, radius, and perimeter, which can have many applications in professional situations. There are also different layers of mapping information you can click on so all the volcanoes or golf courses will come up automatically if they are what you choose to see in a specific area. If you are searching for places to dine, when a restaurant comes up on the screen you can click on 'more' and information such as hours of operation, menus, reviews, and links to the business website become available.

Pretty cool huh! The only problem you may have is that your computer may not be powerful enough to handle the software or 3-D graphics capability. You also miss out if you own a Macintosh, as a compatible version hasn't been built for them yet. Don't take my word for it, go to the site and check it out. You may find that it has applications that could change the face of your business as well as the way you look at traversing our world, not to mention the ease to which you will be able to locate pizzas anywhere on Earth.

Computer Satellite

"Computer Satellite TV ? Review of Satellite TV for PC 2006 Elite Edition"

The Satellite TV for PC 2006 Elite addition was just released. I have purchased the elite edition to compare it to the TV for PC 2006 Pro edition. I have found this edition to be more improved then the pro edition with additional channels and faster transmit time I have found that it is well worth the extra ten dollars. The pro edition was selling at $39.95 and the elite addition can be sold at an low priced of $49.95. It usually retails for as much as $400. I have found one site that is selling it for that very low price.

Satellite TV defiantly has come a long way. I have tried many software packages for my pc and have found one they stays far a top of the rest. Satellite TV for PC 2006 is one of the best packages I have found. This site is offered at the best price and quality that I have seen. With over 2000 channels at a one time only fee of $39.95, is the cheapest for the best quality that I have yet to see for computer satellite TV.

The price was not a problem for me. I paid with a smile hoping that this would be better than the Computer Satellite TV pro 2006. The computer satellite TV Elite edition is defiantly the way to go. I used it over the weekend and could never make up my mind what to watch.

Before I started to review the Computer Satellite TV 2006 Elite edition. I was checking into another software package. Its price is a one time fee of $150 I am still reviewing and will make a post when I am through. The offer states there are more sports channels along with football. I will wait a bit before I post a review in this product.

For now I would highly recommend the Computer Satellite TV for 2006 Elite Edition. I defiantly give this one a very high rating. There are a variety of channels from around the world including, sports, movies, weather, news, music, and regular broadcast channels. I will now be using satellite TV for pc 2006 elite edition instead of the pro edition. If you would like a link to the site that is offering it for $49.95 you can find the link by visiting my web site.

Feel free to come and visit this site as I will be updating it with new reviews and tips.

Please visit some of my sites PC Satellite TV and Computer Satellite TV